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    HCA Constitution

    HCA Constitution
    2 February 2011 Administrator
    Post box in Marine Road

    This Constitution was approved at the AGM on 22 June 2011.


    For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply:

    • The Hoylake Conservation Areas  (HCA) is a descriptive term and refers to the two constituent,  designated Conservation Areas known as “The Kings Gap Conservation Area”  on the one hand and “Meols Drive Conservation Area” on the other hand.
    • “The Association” means The Hoylake Conservation Areas Residents’ Association (HCARA) whose responsibilities are defined in this Constitution
    • “The Committee” means the elected committee of the Association


    The Association is established for the general benefit of the inhabitants of Hoylake and West Kirby, Wirral, Merseyside and the objects of the Association are:

    • To support and uphold the objectives, aims and principles of the Kings Gap Conservation Area, designated in April 2000 and the Meols Drive Conservation Area, designated in April 2004, and any future modification, variation or replacement thereof, and the planning policies and framework in relation thereto;
    • To protect and preserve the character, heritage and architecture of the land and buildings within the HCA and in the surrounding roads and streets.

    In particular, the Association will seek to:

    • Preserve the historic character and appearance of a prosperous late Victorian and Edwardian commuter suburb and the setting, landscape and skyline of the Royal Liverpool Golf Course;
    • Preserve the historic character, appearance and maritime heritage of the town of Hoylake and its setting, landscape and seaside aspect;
    • Retain the consistency of space, scale, massing and separation between buildings;
    • Preserve the variety of buildings, materials and design linked by a common design approach, including highly decorative details and roof scapes;
    • Unifying features such as building lines, generous landscaping and boundary treatment including sandstone and red brick walls along public frontages;
    • Promote a more unified treatment along the boundary with the Royal Liverpool Golf Course and the Hoylake Gateway leading to Market Street and Station Approach;
    • (In considering proposals for new development within the area) to pay special attention to the style, scale, massing and setting of the property, the proposed buildings, the type and quality of building materials and the details of design, landscaping and boundary treatment.


    • Membership of the Association shall be open to all persons residing in the area and/or who profess a Bona Fide belief in the aims of the Association provided that such persons have attained the age of 18 years.  Such persons who whilst professing the said belief have attained the age of 18 years may at the discretion of the Committee be admitted to membership upon such terms as the Committee shall decide.
    • Every application for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary or Chairman of the Association and then referred to the Committee.
    • Applications for membership shall be decided by the Committee at any meeting provided that notice of not less than seven days is given to each member of the Committee of the name and address of the applicant.  Election to membership shall be decided by a simple majority.  In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have an additional vote.
    • The subscription for membership shall be such sum as the Committee may from time to time determine and shall become payable upon election as a member and therafter on demand as determined by the Committee.  Failure to pay the subscription shall invalidate the membership at the discretion of the Committee if the same remains unpaid 28 days after the due date.
    • Any member may resign membership by giving notice in writing to any member of the Committee.


    The management and control of the Association shall be vested in a Committee that shall consist of:

    • A Chairman;
    • A Secretary;
    • A Treasurer; and
    • Two additional members;
    • Other members elected

    In addition, a local Councillor appointed by Wirral Borough Council shall be entitled to attend Committee meetings, receive copies of all HCA papers but shall not be entitled to vote.

    The above positions shall be unpaid. The Committee shall elect the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Additional members of the Committee shall be appointed at the discretion of a simple majority of the Committee but at no time exceed 10 in number.

    • The Committee shall remain in office for a period of two years from the date of attaining office.  Thereafter, such Committee shall retire but shall remain eligible for re-election or re-appointment.
    • Election to the Committee shall be by nomination by two members of the Association.  Such nomination shall be given in writing 7 days before the annual general meeting or at the discretion of the Committee at any extraordinary general meeting.
    • The Committee shall be empowered to co-opt to membership prior to the annual general meeting.
    • At all Committee meetings four or more Committee members shall form a Quorum.


    • The Committee shall meet as and when it shall decree but in any event no less than two times per annum.
    • The annual general meeting (AGM) shall be held once each year at such time and place as may be decreed by the Committee for the following purposes:
    • To receive and report on the accounts of the Association;
    • To fill any vacancies on the Committee;
    • To receive a report from the Chairman on the activities of the Association in pursuing its aims
    • Any other business.
    • Any resolutions to be moved at the AGM must be sent to the Chairman or Secretary 7 clear days prior to the AGM.
    • The Committee may at any time call an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) of their own motion or at the request of a third of the membership.  In the latter event the request shall be mandatory.


    • Any resolutions at the AGM or EGM may be passed by a simple majority save that resolutions to amend or alter the Constitution must achieve a majority of three quarters of the members attending.
    • There shall be no voting by proxy.


    • The Committee shall open a bank account with Barclays Bank Plc or such other bank as the Committee decides.
    • The Committee shall be empowered to effect policies of insurance as and when required.
    • In the event of the dissolution of the Association at an AGM or EGM (for the avoidance of doubt such vote being by three quarters of the members present) any funds, assets and the like shall be owned by all the members in equal shares.

    June 2011