To find out if your property is located within or just outside these two conservation areas visit the Wirral Council’s website to view a map of the area or telephone Built Conservation 0151 691 8454 or click on “Designated Areas” on this website..
The Kings Gap:
Meols Drive:
Living in a conservation area means the Council will take special care to ensure the character and special interest of that area is protected and enhanced. In order to do this the Council has powers under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, to require property owners to apply for Planning Permission to do certain works. The Local Authority will consider the potential impact of a proposed development and its effect on the character or appearance of a conservation area.
In conservation areas, as elsewhere, owners can carry out small-scale alterations as “permitted development”, without needing planning permission. But in conservation areas the rules are tighter and you will sometimes need planning permission for an alteration or extension which would not need permission elsewhere.
To check whether your proposal will be permitted development in a conservation area, visit the planning portal website: or contact Wirral Council’s Built Conservation Team 0151 6062121.