Present: C T Moore (Chairman) Mrs E Davey M Meredith Jones
Mrs K Whitford (Treasurer) Mrs Y Sanne R Tucknott
Apologies: R Cotton Mrs G Norton
Item 1 – Introductory Remarks. Those attending were welcomed and tendered apologies were noted. Tribute was paid to Mrs Davey for her long and inspiring leadership of the Civic Society which had been wound up in November.
Item 2 – Recent Applications.
- 6 Beach Road. The planning application for demolition and re-build of 6 Beach Road had been withdrawn. It was unfortunate that the HCA advice given to the applicant to ameliorate some design aspects (ridge line, roof angles and fenestration) did not bear fruit in the face of hostile reaction from some local residents. The property was now back on the market and there must be doubt about its future.
- New Property at Lingdale Road. This new property comprising 4 luxury apartments in Lingdale Road was externally complete apart from landscaping and boundary treatments. The adjacent viewing platform which had been refused planning had been removed. Overall, the development was seen as acceptable even though some neighbours remained unconvinced. The Council’s planning stance on modernisation would be ascertained.
- 27 Stanley Road. Approved plans to install a dormer window had been implemented. In retrospect, HCA should have been more discriminating about the dormer roof angles and window types which did not match the established features.
Item 3 – Current Applications.
- 11 Leas Park (15/01532). For installation of dormer windows. This was deemed acceptable subject to seeking a condition to match existing window materials, style and fenestration.
- The Old Garden (15/01204, 15/01047 and 15/00227). It was agreed to object to App/15/01024 to become two separate dwellings on the grounds that it failed to acknowledge or attempt to comply with the refusal of the earlier similar application App/15/00227. The App/15/01204 concerned an amendment to an earlier approval to develop the site as a nursing home which sought to increase the bedrooms from 30 to 40 but with minimal external changes. It was felt that the committee could not now object although there was wider concern about the number of care homes which Hoylake could support without changing the character of the town. It was hoped that Cllr Ellis could clarify their policy on this with Wirral Council.
Item 4 – Concerns. Concern was expressed about the following properties:
- 13 Stanley Road. There were extensive works underway apparently without planning approval.
- 47 Meols Drive. There were extensive works underway apparently without planning approval.
- 3 Meols Drive. The near permanent storage of decrepit sailboards, a caravan and other items on the forecourt was an eyesore and detracted from the appearance of the conservation area
It was agreed to draw these matters to the Council’s Enforcement team through the complaints procedures.
Item 5 – Other Issues.
- Westhaven Nursing Home. This extensive re-build just outside the KGCA was well underway. The interesting detached house opposite in Valentia Road was under new ownership and sympathetic external renovation had started.
- Former Presbyterian Church, Alderley Road. Under App/15/01502, this established and dominant building was being proposed for demolition to be replaced by new terrace houses and two detached houses. Although outside the CA, the plans failed to capitalise on the existing building and its features and did not comply with the draft Hoylake Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) which was at an advanced stage of consideration. Plans could be scrutinised on the Council website as well as that of Hoylake Vision.
- Former Police Station, Queens Road. It was understood that this property was now being offered for sale.
- Wirral Council. Many of the issues which caused the HCA committee concern stemmed from the fact that no management plan had been issued for Meols Drive CA and the character appraisal for the Kings Gap CA was woefully out of date and inadequate. It was believed that there was only one trained Conservation Officer in the Planning Department and the level of knowledge and application of conservation matters was very much reduced accordingly. This might well put at risk the space and character of the area, the safeguarding of the green belt and arborial protection.
- HCA Website. The website needs to be transferred to a new host and the Chairman would take the opportunity to review and update the content.
Item 6 – Annual General Meeting. The 2016 AGM would be arranged in the early months of the year on a date and at a venue to be identified.
C T MOORE CBE 4 January 2016